What can Ben do for you?

We make it easy to take control of your data, use it to answer complex business questions, and help you recover money owed to you from the carriers. We can help pay your carrier bills and can even get you significantly better carrier pricing. We’re your one-stop source for shipping management and savings.

Franklin Parcel will help you answer questions like:

  • How much am I shipping with an express service when I could be shipping with a less expensive alternative?

  • Which packages should I file a claim for and get reimbursed by the carrier?

  • Which addresses need to be corrected in my database?

  • Where’s the optimal location for my next fulfillment center?

  • Which extra charges are costing me the most and how can I eliminate them?


84% of shippers believe that shipping will eat up an increasing amount of gross margins.


There are 42,000 zip codes and more than half automatically incur a surcharge.


Basic accessorial fees have risen over 30% since 2013!

An Investment in Knowledge Pays the Best Interest

What does Membership include?


Our normalized data and prebuilt reports allow you to slice and dice your data like never before.


Our analytics will allow you to discover where you're really spending your money and how you could spend less.


Carriers hold on geographic data like it's a map of the British front lines. Free your data!


Our fees recovery platform usually pays for the entire system. Stop cutting your savings in half.

But what does it cost?

Sound like a million bucks? Well, it should be, but there’s actually zero fees so that even smaller shippers ($5,000 a month or so) can take advantage of the platform. Membership includes access to all your data, reports, and tools as well as our cost saving tips and tricks, annual GRI analysis, claim identification and automated claims processing. We also have contract negotiation services plus special pricing programs that could help you get the best carrier terms and save big.